Ok, so the title is a little misleading. But you know how new parents can be, logging every little thing, baby's first yawn, baby's first poop, baby's first "pee in daddy's face", baby's first blog page...uh well, you get the picture. I think it's funny that Elaine and I make a big deal about these little events. Take tonight for example. We drove out to Danville to celebrate our frie
nd's birthday which is the farthest that Jordan has been from home. I think it's funny because when I think about Jordan's cousin Evan, he was born in New York, lived in New Jersey, flew to Los Angeles, back to New York, cruised the Carribbean, and moved to Hong Kong all within his first year. And here we are making a big deal about a short evening trip up the 680. Don't new parents just irritate you? :p
My parents also visited this weekend. Saturday they gave us a break and babysat Jordan for a few hours while Elaine and I "escaped" to the Great Mall. We used to frequent the
mall quite often. Elaine would hit up her normal stores and I would make my round of the Nike Outlet, Champs, Finishline and Footlocker. I'll peek my head into Shiek once in a while, it depends how "street" I feel....and/or dress that day. Actually, my whole point in going to those stores was to find a cool Jordan Infant outfit. Jordan is growing so fast that he won't be able to wear those in a couple weeks. Mission Accomplished on that front. I'll post photos when they are finished.