And the teething continues. The past 10 days have been a little trying for us. With Jordan's teeth coming in, he's been very irritable starting around 7pm. I have this theory that it might have less to do with teething, and more to do with him understanding that it's almost bedtime. He really doesn't like to be put down to sleep. In fact, when I carry him into his room, he immediately tries to look away from his crib. It's sort of cute, but sad at the same time.
Two nights ago he went down easily around 8pm, only to wake up at midnight. I didn't have to work the next day so I let Elaine sleep and went to try to calm Jordan down. We were up till 1am. The only way he would sleep was on my shoulder. He hasn't done that since Week 2. So the the past couple nights, I've been holding him till he passes out. It's probably not a good thing, but it makes him less stressed about sleep.